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FLOVERD is a family business of dry flowers produce and commercialization. We sell dry flowers, florist accessories and decoration for florist, garden centre, wedding planners, events designers and hotels. It was founded by entrepreneur Josep Puixeu Talancon in July 28th, 1979. Nowadays, it has a new owner, Jordi Puixeu i Guitart, Josep's son. A company that has expanded until now and it has prospects to continue the journey already made.

Initially, the company was devoted to  the marketing of cut flowers, but in 1984  it was decided to change the approch and became  FLOVERDSEC, a company devoted  to the production and marketing of dried flowers and accessories  wholesale and retail.

FLOVERD employs five workers, it has a central warehouse of more than 600 square meters in Vilassar de Mar, and two more of about 200 square meters each. We also have two points of sale; No. 39-41 at the Mercat de Flor I Planta Ornamentalde Catalunya and No. 242 in Mercabarna-flor to attend our costumers like florist, events designer, hotels, garden centre, patisserie and wedding planners.

As a family business, FLOVERD defends values that we have lasted for more than 40 years. Values such as commitment to a well done job, the satisfaction of our customers, the quality of our products, constant innovation and flexibility to  change. FLOVERD  has not only adapted to changes, but it often moves forward with them and creates new trends.

The company FLOVERD, with human team as its maximum representative, has always taken into account the demands of its customers, adapting to their needs, boosting research and development to create new products and getting a wide range of colours. All this has led us to be a benchmark in our industry. We have adapted our prices to the excellent quality of our products.

Central office

Via Octaviana, 35
08340 Vilassar de Mar

Points of sale

Mercat de Flor i Planta
Ornamental de Catalunya

Parada nº 39 - 41 
Av. Beniamino Farina, 135 (Antiga N-II)
08340 Vilassar de Mar


Parada nº 242
Crta. Antiga de València B-204, 1
08830 Sant Boi del Llobregat


Dyed flowers and their complementary facilities producing and dealer for florist.

Via Octaviana, 35 - 08340 - Vilassar de Mar - Barcelona - Sapin · +34 937 594 305 · Fax: +34 937 594 306 · jpuixeu@floverd.com
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